perm filename GURU.NEW[1,LMM] blob sn#166999 filedate 1975-06-17 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
a201  0823  17 May 75
Sunday AMs
    Here are the top stories in sight for AMs at this hour. The General
Desk Supervisor is Ed Dennehy. He may be reached at 212 262-6093 if
you have an urgent question about the spot news report.
    SINGAPORE - The captain of the Mayaguez says U.S. planes dropped
nausea gas and strafed him and his crew aboard a fishing boat in
initial efforts to save them. But ''without our Air Force, without our
Marines, I don't think this crew would be standing before you
today,'' he says. New material. Wirephotos SIN1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10.
    WASHINGTON - Why did U.S. warplanes bomb Cambodia 37 minutes after
the crew of the merchant ship Mayaguez was safely aboard an American
destroyer? This is one of the questions persisting after the
successful and dramatic recovery of the U.S. cargo ship and its 39
crew men. By AP Military Writer Fred S. Hoffman. New, will stand.
    BANGKOK - Thousands of Thai students gather in front of the U.S.
Embassy, hoisting up an effigy of Uncle Sam, defacing a U.S. seal and
demanding that the United States apologize for using Thai bases in
the Mayaguez rescue. Developing. Wirephoto BK3,4.
    WASHINGTON - The federal government has filed suit in Hong Kong in
an effort to recoup $4.3 million in U.S. military aid allegedly
spirited out of Saigon in an embezzlement scheme. New, will stand.
    UNDATED - The head of the military commission ruling Saigon says
order, security and the stabilization of life are the main problems
facing the city. Indochina Roundup. New material.
    SEOUL - The National Assembly convenes to endorse security measures
in the wake of Communist victories in Indochina. North Korea accuses
the South of new provocations along the demilitarized zone. New
    The Warren Commission discussed reports Lee Harvey Oswald was on the
FBI payroll as an undercover agent up to the time he assassinated
President John F. Kennedy, according to a recently declassified
document. New, will stand.
    Democratic presidential hopefuls are sharply divided on whether to
mount direct attacks on George C. Wallace and criticize his record as
governor of Alabama. New, will stand.
    UNDATED - Seven children are reported killed by a mortar shell from
a recent Israeli shelling in southern Lebanon. Israel says its
raiders had ''not exchanged fire with anyone or left anything behind''
in the area. New material.
    NEWARK, N.J. - Thousands of students have been boycotting classes
for two weeks to protest the planned dismissal of 900 teachers because
of city budget problems. New, will stand.
    LAS VEGAS, Nev. - The high-living clan of high-stakes poker is what
they call ''somethin' else.'' They speak with a southern accent and
like beautiful women and ostrich-skin cowboy boots, but at the tables
in the World Championship of Poker their wheels are turning all the
time. New.
    CHICAGO - After nine months of preparations that included carving a
Roman relief on a 600-pound slab of chocolate, Christopher Inden says
he is confident of beating out 130 other kitchen kings in the Olympic
trials of cookery. New, will stand. Wirephoto covering.
    NEW DELHI - Besieged by mounting legal problems, Guru Maharaj Ji
receives an appeal from his family to give up his fight to retain
control of the Divine Light mission and patch up his feud with his
mother. New, may stand.
1127aED 05-17

a219  0953  17 May 75
Guru Bjt 490
Associated Press Writer
    NEW DELHI, India (AP) - Besieged by mounting legal problems, Guru
Maharaj Ji received an appeal from his family Saturday to give up his
fight to retain control of the Divine Light Mission and patch up his
feud with his mother.
    There was no immediate response from the 17-year-old religious
leader, who was reported in central Jaipur city, barred by a court
from leaving India until a contempt citation brought by his family is
    ''The best thing for Maharaj Ji is that he should come to his
mother, express regret for all he has done and ask for a pardon,''
said the guru's oldest brother, 24-year-old Bal Bhagwan Ji, in an
     ''If he surrenders himself to mataji (mother) he can be absolved of
all his sins by her grace. We will accept him as a member of our
family again, but not as guru or spiritual leader of the Divine Light
    ''He's a fused bulb, a fused spiritual light which can no longer
give off spiritual enlightenment,'' he said.
    Bal Bhagwan Ji spoke with the blessings of his mother, who
proclaimed him the new guru of the Divine Light Mission following her
renunciation of Maharaj Ji last month.
    The mother, whose late husband founded the movement in 1961, charged
Maharaj Ji with becoming a playboy after moving to the United States
in 1973.
    Accompanied by his 26-year-old American wife, whom he married last
year, and a retinue of about 10 American disciples, Maharaj Ji came to
India last month to try to regain control of the crucial Indian
chapter from his mother and brother.
    But Maharaj Ji's attempts so far have been unsuccessful, with local
authorities in some cities barring him from addressing rallies
because they fear riots between supporters of the rival brother gurus.
    Bhagwan Ji has brought a $13,000 damage suit against Maharaj Ji, for
allegedly trying to distribute photos showing the newly proclaimed
guru being hugged by an American devotee. The gurus' mother had a
photo published earlier in an Indian newspaper showing Maharaj Ji
kissing and embracing an American devotee - something Indian holy men
do not normally do.
    Bhagwan Ji also filed a contempt suit against Maharaj Ji for
allegedly refusing to receive a court order barring him from
publishing the latest photos. The judge ordered Maharaj Ji to remain
in the country until the suit is resolved. The first hearing is due
May 23.
    Within India, Bhagwan Ji and his mother appear to be winning the
religious confrontation with Maharaj Ji.
    The mother and oldest son move about the country with ease,
addressing religious festivals where they desire.
    Bhagwan Ji says he plans to go to the United States in June or
August to win over the American followers, estimated at about 50,000.
    He said he would operate out of a retreat in Los Angeles rather than
the mission's Denver headquarters, which is controlled by Maharaj
Ji's disciples.
1257pED 05-17

a086  0712  23 May 75
Two Gurus 450, 2 Takes 540
Associated Press Writer
    NEW DELHI, India (AP) - An Indian judge scolded rival gurus Maharaj
Ji and his oldest brother today and told them to settle their dispute
over who is ''perfect master'' of their sect outside of court.
    The gurus accepted the judge's suggestion although there was no
immediate indication that they would sit down and discuss their
competing claims to leadership of the Divine Light Mission, founded by
their late father in 1961.
    ''Courts should not be utilized for washing this dirty linen,''
Judge Prithan Singh Safeer declared in a small courtroom jammed with
more than 100 spectators.
    Maharaj Ji, 17, and Bal Bhagwan Ji, 24, stood before the
red-turbaned judge without looking at each other.
    Instead of a verdict, the judge told them:
    ''You say you are men of religion. Well, there is going to be
bloodshed in your family unless you settle your disputes.
    ''If you want bloodshed, continue with this litigation. But why not
come to terms? There is the same blood in both of you. And if you are
injured, the whole of Mother India is injured and maligned abroad.
    ''Both of you say you are interested in maintaining the dignity of
your late father and in propagating his ideals for the benefit of
mankind. Then why shouldn't you settle your dispute?''
    When the judge concluded, Maharaj Ji stepped forward and announced
he was unconditionally withdrawing his defamation suit against his
    The judge complimented him. Bhagwan Ji then withdrew his defamation
suit after some coaxing from the judge.
    ''There are certain people around Maharaj Ji who wouldn't let us see
him,'' said Bhagwan Ji, pointing to some of the guru's American
disciples, including Robert Mishler, the president of the mission in
the United States.
    Maharaj Ji said: ''We'll do our best. We thank the court for its
    Both sides claimed victory, although it appeared that the outcome of
the hour-long hearing was more favorable to Maharaj Ji.
    His lawyers said he filed his suit against his brother only as a
countermeasure after Bhagwan Ji and their mother brought a series of
suits against Maharaj Ji.
    A contempt of court action against Maharaj Ji also was dropped. That
left him free to return with his 25-year-old American wife and
two-month-old daughter to the United States.
    Maharaj Ji came back to India last month in an attempt to regain
control of the Indian chapter of the Divine Light Mission following
his mother's renunciation of him. She accused him of becoming a
playboy while in the United States for the past two years.
    Maharaj Ji's mission was stymied, however, because his mother and
oldest brother succeeded in having him barred from making public
appearances in several cities.
1013aED 05-23

a088  0719  23 May 75
Two Gurus Add 90
NEW DELHI Two Gurus a086 ADD: cities.
    The mother, who proclaimed Bhagwan Ji the new guru last month, did
not come to court. Her lawyer said she was ill in Dehra Dun, 150 miles
north of New Delhi.
    The judge accused the older brother of being jealous of Maharaj Ji.
    He asked the two: ''What is the greatest sin?''
    ''Jealousy,'' said Bhagwan Ji.
    ''Not realizing the god who created us,'' said Maharaj Ji.
    ''Wrong,'' said the judge. ''The greatest sin in the universe is
deceiving people in the name of god.''
1020aED 05-23

a202  0926  23 May 75
Saturday AMs
    Here are the top stories in sight for AMs at this hour. The General
Desk Supervisor is Ed Dennehy. He can be reached at 212 262-6093 if
you have an urgent question about the spot news report.
    VIENTIANE - A planeload of American women and children launches the
evacuation of many of the 1,000 Americans in Laos. Indochina Roundup.
New material, including quotes from people leaving Vientiane and
arriving in Bangkok.
    Wirephotos BK1, BK3, BK6.
    WASHINGTON - The embassy of Vietnam, for days a scene of confusion
and tears, is closed. ''The funeral is all over now,'' an embassy
official said. New material, will stand.
    MANILA - Some of the biggest names in American industry are getting
rid of their land in the Philippines to close an era of ownership
going back to U.S. colonial rule. New, will stand.
    HONG KONG - Mayaguez ship owners open six sealed cargo containers
for newsmen when the vessel arrives in Hong Kong. No military hardware
is found. New material.
    WASHINGTON - President Ford says the United States is resisting
isolationist trends and is prepared ''to act decisively'' in world
affairs. New material, may stand. Adv 1 p.m. EDT. Wirephoto covering.
    DETROIT - General Motors holds its annual stockholders meeting as
the auto companies announce mid-May car sales, which are expected to
be at a 14-year low. The companies say all plants will operate next
week. Auto Roundup, developing. Sales figures expectable early
afternoon. GM stockholders meeting mid-afternoon. Wirephoto staffing
    UNDATED - If you've ever tried to wade through the fine print in a
contract and given up somewhere between the ''whereas'' and the
''hereby,'' cheer up. Legal documents are getting easier to read.
Consumer Scorecard by Louise Cook. New, will stand.
    BRUSSELS - NATO defense ministers end a two-day meeting with
Europeans cool to American proposals for links with Spain and an
increased defense budget. Developing.
    BEIRUT - Young right-wing militiamen fight Palestinian guerrillas
from rooftop machine gun nests and streetcorner sniping posts in the
fourth day of renewed clashes in the Lebanese capital. Mideast
Roundup. New material. Wirephoto BRE1.
    UNDATED - Alexander Solzhenitsyn is exploring western Canada with
his wife, ''trying to find Russia in the people and the land,''
according to a source close to the exiled Soviet writer. New, will
    NEW DELHI - Rival gurus Maharaj Ji and his oldest brother call off
their legal confrontation but keep up their feud over who is ''perfect
master'' of the Divine Light Mission. New material. Wirephoto DEL1.
    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - The earth plays celestial magician Saturday
night, throwing its shadowy cloak over the moon and making it
disappear before your very eyes in the first total eclipse of the moon
visible in North America in more than three years. By AP Science
Writer Warren Leary. New material, will stand.
1227pED 05-23

a218  1057  23 May 75
Two Gurus Bjt NL 480
Wirephoto DEL1
Associated Press Writer
    NEW DELHI, India (AP) - Rival gurus Maharaj Ji and his oldest
brother called off their legal confrontation Friday but kept up their
feud over who is ''perfect master'' of their sect.
    Maharaj Ji, 17, and Bal Bhagwan Ji, 24, promised an Indian judge
they would try to settle their competing claims to leadership of the
Divine Light Mission out of court.
    They dropped their defamation suits against each other after being
scolded by Judge Prithan Singh Safeer during an hour-long hearing.
    ''Courts should not be utilized for washing this dirty linen,''
Safeer declared.
    ''You say you are men of religion. Well, there is going to be
bloodshd in your family unless you settle your disputes.
    ''If you want bloodshed, continue with this litigation. But why not
come to terms?''
    Maharaj Ji then stepped forward and unconditionally withdrew his
defamation suit against his brother. After some coaxing from the
judge, Bhagwan Ji withdrew his suit.
    However, within hours after the hearing ended, it was clear that the
brothers were still reluctant to work out a compromise over who
should lead the international religious movement founded by their late
father in 1961.
    ''He can't be a guru anymore, that's for certain,'' Bhagwan Ji said
of his youngest brother shortly after the hearing. ''But we are
prepared to accept him as a member of our family.''
    In a separate statement, Maharaj Ji said he had no intentions of
giving up leadership of the Divine Light Mission despite his mother's
renunciation of him in favor of Bhagwan Ji last month.
    The mother had accused Maharaj Ji of becoming a playboy after moving
to the United States in 1973.
    ''I intend to serve as the spiritual head of my devotees as
instructed by my late father,'' Maharaj Ji said.
    ''Although I was not the first in starting litigation I am happy
that I was the first to withdraw out of it,'' he added.
    Robert Mishler, the president of the mission's American chapter,
said Maharaj Ji might return to the United States in about two weeks
after a stop in Tokyo.
    Maharaj Ji, accompanied by his 25-year-old American wife and
two-month-old daughter, came to India in April to try to regain
control of the mission's Indian chapter.
    The red-turbaned Safeer accused Bhagwan Ji of being jealous of
Maharaj Ji for having become head of the mission when their father
    Before the hearing ended, the judge asked the two: ''What is the
greatest sin?''
    ''Jealousy,'' said Bhagwan Ji.
    ''Not realizing the god who created us,'' said Maharaj Ji.
    ''Wrong,'' said the judge. ''The greatest sin in the universe is
deceiving people in the name of God.''
1358pED 05-23

n067  1717  23 May 75
c.1975 N.Y. Times News Service
    The 80-year-old former president of the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters, Dave Beck, has received a ''full
and unconditional'' presidential pardon, wiping out his 1959
conviction for income-tax evasion. He had paid a $20,000 fine and
served nearly one year of a five-year sentence. The pardon
was one of 58 granted by President Ford, the Justice Department
said Friday.
    In Seattle Beck said by telephone that, as a Navy veteran
of World War I, he particularly welcomed the pardon because it
restores his voting and other civil rights. He said he looks
after his extensive real-estate investments, adding, ''I keep
biusy every day.''
    His Teamster successor and protege, James R. Hoffa, followed
Mr. Beck to prison - on jury-tampering charges - but was 
freed by President Nixon in 1971.
    Deciding that a 1969 book titled ''Wild Tongues'' 
libeled William F. Buckley Jr., a judge in New York
awarded the conservative columnist $7,500 punitive damages
in his suit against the author, the Rev. Frnaklin H. Littell,
a religion professor at Temple University in Philadelphia.
Federal District Judge homas P. Griesa, noting that Littell's
purpose had been to warn Christian churches against political
extremism, ruled that he had made ''profoundly serious libelous
accusations'' vy characterizing Buckley as ''a fascist fellow
-traveler'' who purveyed Fascist propaganda in the guise of 
conservatism. The book was withdrawn by the publishers, the
MacMillan co., when Buckley filed his suit in 1970.
    Edward Heath, the former British Prime Minister,crossed the
Atlanticby cargo plane to keep a speaking date at the National
Press Club luncheon in Washington. The Conservative party leader
had a speaking engagement in Scotland Thursday night and no
commercial flights were scheduled in the time available.
Pan American World Airways got special permission from the
Federal Aviation Administration and Mr. Heath left London at
7 a.m. Friday for New York, paying normal economy-class fiare
and sitting in the cockpit with the three-member crew. He
flew from Kennedy to Washington in an unidentified ''executive
    Jacqueine Onassis Kennedy has accepted a Municipal Art
Society nomination as one of its four new board members as
well as an invitation to its annual meeting and reception
Tuesday at Cooper Union in New York. Mrs. Onassis volunteered
this year to work with the society, for the first time,
in its campaign to save Grand Central Station. In Bernardsville,
N.J., a local official said a London report that Mrs. Onassis
planned to devote herself to breeding horses on the estate
she bought last November ''could very well be true.'' Frank
Rogers, zoning officer and building inspector, said the house
had been redecorated and a two-car garage built and that,
while no horses were there yet, ''some horse farms around her
are smaller than her 10 acres.''
    Scolding the 17-year-old Guru Maharaj Ji and Bal Bhagwan
Ji, his 24-year-old brother and rival, a red-turbanned New
Delhi judge told them that their dispute over who is ''perfect
master'' of the Divine Light Mission must be settled out of
court. Their mother had renounced Maharaj Ji as guru of the
sect, accusing him of a ''playboy'' lifestyle since he came
to the United States in 1973. Continued litigation, the judge
said, would mean that ''the whole of Mother India is injured
and maligned abroad.'' The two withdrew their mutual defamation
suits but no agreement seemed near.
    In Maine land-title dispute, Margaret McGrath Rockefeller,
the wife of David Rockefeller, testified in court concerning
her 1964 purchase of 367 wooded acres on Swan's Island,
near the family's home at Seal Harbor. Half the property is
claimed by 84-year-old Esther Eaton, of Rockland, on the basis
of an alleged 1936 purchase by her first husband. Mrs.
Rockefeller, who married the banker in 1940, is founder and
director of the Coastal Heritage Trust and owns several
islands along the Maine coast.
Laurie Johnston
e-tl-jm 5-23

a214  0914  24 May 75
    In addition to the News Digest listing, these stories are slated for
Sunday AMS:
    WASHINGTON - Congress, with its votes and debates, is demonstrating
support for President Ford's determination to maintain a strong U.S.
involvement in international affairs throughout the world.
    WASHINGTON - President Ford attends reunion of USS Monterey, ship on
which he served in World War II. Starts at 7:15 p.m. EDT.
    NEW DELHI - Guru Maharaj Ji says his late father was the only person
who could remove him from leadership of the Divine Light Mission.
New. Should Stand.
    The AP
1215pED 05-24

a223  1003  24 May 75
Guru 440 Two Takes 710
Associated Press Writer
    NEW DELHI, India (AP) - Guru Maharaj Ji, still squabbling with his
family, said Saturday his late father was the only person who could
remove him from leadership of the Divine Light Mission.
    One day after he and his oldest brother promised a judge they would
try to settle their dispute over control of the mission out of court,
the rival gurus appeared to be heading toward a fresh confrontation.
    Maharaj Ji, 17, said in an interview that it was ''stupid'' for
Bhagwan Ji, 24, and his mother to think they had the power to oust him
from the spiritual leadership of the mission after they had accepted
him as guru in 1966 when his father died.
    His father had founded the mission in 1961 and had said before his
death that he wanted Maharaj Ji, the youngest of his four sons, to
succeed him.
    ''Only one thing can remove me, and he's my father,'' Maharaj Ji
said. ''I have a belief in him. He can appear in my dreams. He appears
in the dreams of so many thousands and thousands of people and
instructs them, so he could very well have instructed me to quit if he
    ''I would feel it, his message. I really felt it when this idea,
this service, came to me. I really felt the love and energy right
through me. So would I feel a new message from my father. I would know
    In a separate development, Maharaj Ji sent a letter to his mother
and brother giving them an ultimatum to accept him as guru or leave
the Divine Light Mission.
    ''I would like that you now respect and recognize the authority
vested in me,'' Maharaj Ji said. ''If not, then I would have to
respectfully ask you to leave this mission alone for it is my service,
not yours.''
    Maharaj Ji also wrote them that by defaming him they were really
attacking his late father ''for I am His and only His puppet, run by
Him, danced by Him and sustained by Him.''
    Reached in Dehra Dun, 150 miles north of New Delhi, Bhagwan Ji said
the letter sounded like a threat to him and his mother.
    ''I might want to take him back to court again,'' Bhagwan Ji said.
    The two brothers dropped their defamation suits against each other
on Friday after a judge told them ''courts should not be utilized for
washing this dirty linen.''
    ''You say you are men of religion,'' the judge continued. ''Well,
there is going to be bloodshed in your family unless you settle your
    But both sides acknowledged afterward that they would not accept any
compromise on the issue of who should be ''perfect master'' and guru
of their sect.
1304pED 05-24

a224  1010  24 May 75
NEW DELHI Guru Take Two: sect. 370
    ''I will never accept him as guru,'' Bhagwan Ji said of Maharaj Ji
in a telephone interview. ''That is impossible. I can never accept
that person as guru who is deceiving so many people.''
    In his first interview since his mother renounced him last month and
accused him of becoming a playboy after moving to the United States
in 1973, Maharaj Ji similarly said he would never accept his brother
as spiritual leader of the Divine Light Mission.
    Maharaj Ji said the troubles in the Indian mission began two years
ago when he went back to America to propagate his father's ideals.
When he left, he said, his brother realized how nice it would be to
head the mission.
    ''A king leaves his country to go and fight a war or to do
something, and he leaves his brother in charge,'' Maharaj Ji said.
''Then the brother thinks that it's kind of nice to be king and sleep
on these cushy, confortable beds and to boss around people.
    ''It's nice. So he decided why don't I do this? So he learns the
king is coming back. He says uh-uh, I've had it because there are so
many wrong things I've done. So immediately he makes a move to try to
prevent him from coming back.''
    Maharaj Ji said his brother's followers tried to discourage him from
returning to India last month but that he came nevertheless to
demonstrate that he was not afraid.
    Maharaj Ji denied allegations made by his mother last month when she
proclaimed Bhagwan Ji the newguru.
    ''I don't go to nightclubs, I don't drink alcohol and I don't eat
meat,'' he said. ''It's all totally false.''
    He also denied his mother's charge that he had married his American
secretary, who is eight years older than him, at the instigation of
close American disciples who wanted to control him.
    ''I met my wife on my own free will and fell in love with her,'' he
said. ''I went to a court in Colorado and got my marriage license on
my own. The man asked me questions and I answered them. Nobody did it
for me and nobody forced me to do so.''
    Maharaj Ji said he would remain in New Delhi a few more days before
returning to the United States, to keep open the possibility that he
might be able to work out some reconciliation with Bhagwan Ji and his
1311pED 05-24

n069  1744  03 Jun 75
c.1975 N.Y. Times News Service
    After two years as a submarine-force commander in the 
Mediterranean, Rear Adm. Kinnaird R. Mckee, 45, will become
the yungest superintendent of the United States Naval Academy,
Annapolis, Md., in its 130-year history. He will replace 
Vice Adm. William P. Mack, who retires Aug. 1.
    Rear Adm. Jeremiah Denton, commandant at the Armed Forces
Staff College at Norfolk, has changed his mind about retiring
to work for a small Jesuit college in Mississippi. A prisoner
of war in North Vietnam for seven and a half years, Denton 
said he was ''upset'' by the fall of South Vietnam when he 
made his emotional announcement. ''I should work constructively
and co-operatively toward further success without recting to
past misfortunes,'' he sid in a statement.
    Evidently leaving behind him in India the family quarrel
over who is Perfect Master of the Divine Light Mission,
the 17-year-old Guru Maharaj Ji has arrived in Hong Kong
with his wife, 2-month-old daughter and four American 
companions. His 30 followers there presented him with seashell
eearrings and a pair of white shoes.
    To commemorate the 12th anniversary of the death of 
Pope John XXIII, Pope Paul VI celebrated a mass in St. Peter's. Pope John was born -
Angelo Roncalli of a northern 
Italian peasant family Nov. 25, 1881, and became Pope at the
death of Pius XII in 1958. Among the 15,000 worshippers crowding
the basilica for the mass were the late Pope's brother, 
Giuseppe Roncalli, and a niece and nephew.
    Sherri Finkbine Burrows made headlines in 1962 - when all
50 states had anti-abortion laws - by flying to Sweden to end a
pregnancy because she had taken thalidomide, a tranquilizer
found to produce birth deformities. Now she is in a workshop
called ''After Your Abortion'' at the Women's Center in La Jolla,
Calif., learning to deal, she said, with guilt, bitterness
and other ''leftover feelings.'' Mrs. Burrows, who lost her
job in Phoenix as hostess for a children's television show
as a result of the abortion, was divorced in 1973 and married
Dr. Earl Burrows, a psychiatrist, They each have six children.
    When President Tito of Yugoslavia received President Anwar
el-Sadat, of Egypt at his Alpine residence at Brdo, it 
was at the insistence of his doctors. The have ordered 
th 82-year-old victim of chronic rheumatism to avoid the
humidity of his summer residence at Brioni, on the 
Adriatic coast, as well as the pressures of Belgrade.
    The late W.C. Fields, who topped his innumerable jokes about
his hometown with a suggestion for his tombstone - ''On the
whole, I'd rather be in Philadelphia'' - has a grandson who
means it when he says it. William C. Fields 3d, a 31-year-old
California-born lawyer who was 2 when the comedian died, says
he wanted to live there and enjoys the city a lot, especially
the Vesper Boat Club, where he rows and acts as secretary.
The descendant of ''The Bank Dick'' recently joined the
Philadelphia office of the F.B.I.
- Laurie Johnston
B-JN&RB 6-3

a326  1945  08 Jun 75
$adv 18
Adv Wed AMs June 18 - Note date
Guru School 440 three takes 1,120
With Wirephoto
Associated Press Writer
    FAIRFIELD, Iowa (AP) - When Fairfielders heard last year that
Maharishi International University was taking over the campus of
former Parsons College, they feared robes, beads and shaven heads.
    Townspeople wanted to see the 98-year-old campus back in use but
most were reluctant to welcome a California school named after an
Indian guru whose students would major in transcendental meditation.
    ''I think there was a silent sigh of relief when they finally
arrived,'' says Bill Whitney, Chamber of Commerce director. ''We saw
that, if anything, they were out of the 1950s - vintage of an Ivy
League school. Oh, they had their funny little 'earth shoes,' but they
were clean-cut and well-dressed.
    Soon, even ''grannies and housewives'' among Fairfield's 8,715
residents were taking MIU shortcourses in meditation, Whitney said.
    ''It's phenomenal. They've changed our town.''
    When the school's founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, paid his first
visit to Fairfield in March, he said he hoped Fairfield would become
the ''first ideal society'' and Iowa the ''first ideal state.''
    His greeting ran through 47 minutes of lilting chant, and everyone
- down to the mayor who gave Maharishi a white pine tree - seemed to
love it.
    Dr. Robert Keith Wallace, MIU president, says Iowa was a good place
to start.
    ''People still associate us with the Beatles or Mia Farrow or
confuse us with that young guru in Denver,'' Wallace says. ''If we're
accepted here, we should be successful all over America.''
    The school's purpose is to spread transcendental meditation (TM) to
all earthlings according to an elaborate plan that includes a global
television network and TM centers accessible to everyone.
    Transcendental meditation is an exercise in deep relaxation.
    ''The biggest confusion about it is that TM inspires a mood or
attitude,'' says Jim Bellilove, MIU's campus planner. ''All it does is
produce a change in the physical machinery of the body or mind.
    ''Through meditation, we improve and expand our consciousness and
wake up parts of our intellect that are lying dormant.''
    Most students (enrollment is 400) know how to meditate when they
arrive at MIU. If they don't, it's the first thing they learn. And by
the time they graduate, they will know how to teach meditation - MIU
says it can't be self-taught - and will be thoroughly indoctrinated
in the ''Science of Creative Intelligence'' (SCI), as the collective
teachings of Maharishi are called.
    Maharishi is a tiny, long-haired and bearded Indian, a physics
graduate of Allahabad University in India. He studied for 13 years in
the Himilayas with a sage known as ''Guru Dev.''
2247pED 06-08

a327  1953  08 Jun 75
$adv 18
Adv Wed AMs June 18 - Note Date
FAIRFIELD - Guru School take 2: Dev.'' 480
    After two years of teaching TM in India, Maharishi said he realized
it would take 200 years to bring TM to the whole world by himself. So
he founded MIU and five organizations to spread the word.
    All first-year students, including many who already hold degrees
from other schools, study 24 core courses in blocks of one week. Each
course skims the various disciplines of the arts and sciences and
relates them to Maharishi's teachings.
    Classes begin with meditation, usually go to a 2 1/2-hour videotaped
lecture, include a discussion period with a resident teacher and
conclude with another meditation.
    In the second year, students take six one-month courses in the arts
and sciences. ''Forest academies'' are periodic one-month
interruptions from normal class routine during which students devote
full time to meditation and the study of Maharishi's teachings.
Students elect their majors after the second year.
    MIU is not accredited but school officials have taken the first
steps to gain it - to reassure doubting parents who foot the nearly
$14,000 bill for a four-year education.
    What's an MIU degree worth?
    ''As far as gaining knowledge, for knowing chemistry or math, it's
worth the same as that from any school,'' says Les Schmadeka, MIU vice
president. ''Success depends on performance in one's field. We teach
students how to perform to their maximu ability.''
    MIU students are not required to become TM teachers but MIU
administraors say they naturally want to spread the practice. They
are required to perform field work or internships.
    ''Field work is the practical experience of relating to one's field
of academic study,'' says Schmadeka. A goal of field work is to show
the rest of the world how successful MIU has been in providing
academic background as well as the personality factors that TM
    MIU wants to establish internships in several city governments in
Iowa. Their hope, says Schmadeka, is that the city government will be
so impressed with the students that councilmen and city workers will
start to meditate.
    Student activities have somewhat the same goal: exposure to
nonmeditators to foster a curiosity that may lead to meditation. Thus,
MIU's sports program revolves around the community more than
intercollegiate competition. The school fields several teams in city
league sports and competes with other colleges in volleyball, soccer
and tennis.
    There are school dances but most social activities involve films,
drama and music productions - and the townspeople are often invited to
try out for parts.
    MIU men's hair is neatly trimmed and the women wear dresses. They do
not use alcohol or drugs.
    ''A lot of it is to counteract the feeling that meditators are
hippies,'' says Mike Clark, university relations officer.
2256pED 06-08

a328  1958  08 Jun 75
$adv 18
Adv Wed AMs June 18 - Note date
FAIRFIELD - Iowa, Guru school, take three: officer. 200
    MIU students are certainly a departure from the Parsons students who
were careless with their beer cans, loud with their cars and
boisterous in their fun.
    MIU's first public event was an old-fashioned Iowa potluck supper
that brought out the senior citizens in droves. It was a far cry from
the gala events Fairfielders remember at Parsons, including the
$10,000 inauguration in 1955 of President Millard Roberts.
    Whitney of the Chamber of Commerce recalls the year that angry
Fairfielders dumped Life magazines in the city square after a four-
page spread on Parsons dubbed it ''Flunk Out U.''
    Some still blame Life for Parsons' loss of accreditation and a
downhill climb that led to a $16 million debt and bankruptcy.
    Most MIU students have had an introduction to TM and Maharishi's
teachings before going to Fairfield.
    ''I was impressed with the intellectual theory of SCI,'' says
22-year-old Dianna Visek, student body president. She transferred to
MIU after two years at Radcliffe and three terms at Cornell, where her
father is a professor.
    ''It's a normal college environment here but without the negative
aspects. I don't have to worry about friends overdosing on drugs or
threatening suicide.
    ''People just don't get super-depressed here.''
    Adv Wed AMs June 18, sent June 8
2300pED 06-08

a334  2029  08 Jun 75
Advances moved this cycle:
    ARANYAPRATHET, Thailand - Cambodian Refugees, a290-291-292, June 10
    MORGANTOWN, W.Va. - PRT, a298-299, June 11
    DETROIT - End of the Open Car, a303-304, June 12
    DETROIT - French Paintings, a307-308, June 12
    LOS ANGELES - Bank Robbers, a311-312, June 16
    NEW YORK - Martha Graham, a313-314, June 17
    FAIRFIELD, Iowa - Guru School, a326-327-328, June 18
    The AP
2330pED 06-08

n028  1155  11 Jun 75
Not for use before Sunday, June 15
c.1975 N.Y. Times News Service
    NEW YORK - In the world of dance,  the name of Merce
Cunningham is written in giant-sized neon. His is a name
to be conjured with, to be respected. He has done a great
deal for the acceptance of American dance around the
world; even more, he has done a great deal to demonstrate
to an international audience the peculiar thrusting,
experimental quality of the best in American
culture. He is a man who has done the state some service.
    Recently he has been the subject of a book simply called
''Merce Cunningham,'' edited and with an introduction
by the photographer James Klosty and published by the
Saturday Review Press. Klosty is not a dance photographer
as such, but his pictures give a vivid off-stage impression
of the Cunningham company. The book is also a collection
of essays - chiefly by dancers and artists who have worked
with Cunningham - that give a certain insight into the
choreographer himseāˆf, a character you only have to see
on stage to know in your guts is wonderfuly likeable.
He has a lovable elfin grin that transcends and transforms
everything - and it is that transcendental transformation
that this book is much about. There are two quotations
from the book I should like to elaborate on - the first
merely to establish a position, and the second to discuss
Cunningham in more esthetic erms.
    Lewis L. Lloyd, who was the administrator or business
manager or what was then called, of the Cunningham
company from 1962 until 1968, is writing primarily about
the development of the Cunningham company as major artistic
force. In 1962, Lloyd had been called in by John Cage,
Cunningham's composer and general guru to produce a
Broadway season for Cunningham. It came to nothing,
as did a subsequent proposal for a Broadway season the
following year. Eventually, a European tour materialized
in 1964. This tour, Lloyd suggests, ''was much more important
in establishing Cunningham's artistic position in America
than the New York season could ever have been. Almost
certainly the Broadway engagement would have been an
expensive, sparsely attended, poorly reviewed affair.
On the other hand the company's appearance at the Sadler's
Wells Theater at the end of July 1964 created the kind
of European critical acclaim that turns American heads.''
    Cynical? Perhaps. Certainly the houses at Sadler's Wells
were probably as sparse as Broadway's might have been,
and they were even sparser, if memory recalls, at London's
Phoenix Theater immediately following. But some, if not
exactly all, of the critical reception was passionately
enthusiastic. I loved the company and was one of Cunningham's
earlier supporters; in fact, my views from London at
the time were obviously among those that helped to turn
America's head.
f-jf (more) 6-11

a055  1058  16 Jun 75
Guru 370
Associated Press Writer
    LOS ANGELES (AP) - Maharaj Ji, the 17-year-old guru who was
renounced by his mother for allegedly living the life of a playboy,
threw a Father's Day party for himself that seemed more of a jet-set
gathering than a meditation session.
    The guru, whose poition as leader of the Divine Light Mission was
challenged by his mother after he married his American secretary and
bought a Malibu mansion, hosted about 1,000 of his West Coast
followers who flew in Sunday on less than 24 hours notice for the
    ''I hope you enjoy the grace and bliss that surrounds this house,''
Maharaj Ji told his guests, who crowded onto the patio and tennis
courts of his white split-level home on a cliff overlooking the
Pacific Ocean.
    Only ''premies'' - the sect's word for believers - were admitted
beyond the gates of the mansion.
    Those who made their way up the steep, mile-long road leading to the
house and past the entourage of security guards outside spent the
evening dancing on tennis courts, sipping nonalcoholic punch and
applauding the guru during his brief appearances.
    Most of the guests were in their teens and 20s, and many brought
their children.
    Among the guests was Rennie Davis, the one-time antiwar activist who
announced two years ago he had become a follower of the guru.
    Davis said he lived in a colony of several hundred followers of the
Denver mission and spent his time working with other followers in
prisons, hospitas and other institutions.
    During Maharaj Ji's recent visit to India, his mother renounced him
for straying from the spiritual path and named his eldest brother,
24-year-old Bal Bhagwan Ji, as the new spiritual master.
    But Maharaj Ji has refused to step down and has planned trips to
Venezuela, Germany and Disney World this summer to hold rallies much
like the one in Houston's Astrodome in 1973 that first brought him
into the public eye.
    He has spent most of his time in seclusion at his Malibu home and at
the mission's American headquarters in Denver.
    Maharaj Ji and Durga Ji, his 26-year-old wife who was formerly known
as Marolyn Johnson, have a 3-month-old daughter, Premlata.
0551aED 06-16

a068  0328  17 Jun 75
Guru 310
Associated Press Writer
    NEW DELHI, India (AP) - Guru Maharaj Ji is wanted for jumping bail
and leaving India.
    A magistrate in Jaipur issued a warrant Monday for the 17-year-old
religious leader's arrest for failing to appear in court to answer
charges that he tried to defame his oldest brother, who is attempting
to unseat him as spiritual leader of the Divine Light Mission.
    There was no indication whether the court would seek extradition of
Maharaj Ji, who returned to his mansion in Malibu, Calif., in late
May after a six-week visit to India. He gave a Fathers' Day party
Sunday for 1,000 West Coast devotees.
    The magistrate ordered forfeiture of a bond of 10,000 rupees - about
$1,250 - posted by the guru in May when the charges were filed
against him by a follower of 24-year-old Bhagwan Ji, whom their mother
has proclaimed the new leader of the Divine Light Mission founded by
her late husband in 1961.
    The mother renounced Maharaj Ji in April, charging he had become a
playboy after moving to the United States in 1973. She was particuarly
incensed by his marriage to his American secretary, who is eight
years older than he is. The couple has a 3-month-old daughter.
    Maharaj Ji and Bhagwan Ji brought a series of defamation suits and
counter-suits against each other during April and May. But they
appeared in a New Delhi court together on May 23 and told the judge
they would accept his suggestion that they drop their suits and try to
settle their dispute outside court.
    However, the dispute remain unresolved, and Bhagwan Ji decided after
Maharaj Ji left India a few days later to press the still-pending
charge in Jaipur.
    One of Maharaj Ji's aides said before leaving India that they
thought the Jaipur charge would also be dropped, making further court
appearances by the younger guru unnecessary.
0628aED 06-17